1st crap dedicated to those hardcore blogger...Macam sia ka tu?.. Hahaha
WELCOME to my this part of my blog's extension. To cut long story short, whenever I'm too lazy to write long crappy blog posts in my 1st blog, this is the place where I doodled simple quotes or as i called it "crap talk" on tees on whatever things that came up in my mind. On even more crappy note, this is just an idea that I'm currently experimenting on for my own personal use...Hahaha.
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Please be warned that though this is a free generated blog, please be reminded that all artwork featured in this blog belong to the crap head of this blog-MadarCh (yes.. there's a real person behind this crappy nick). So any reproduction of these artwork in any form is totally prohibited without my consent /permission. If somehow just for the sake of making yourself look like a stupeed that you accidentally still do it, please at least give some credits back to this blog or else you will be pwned..Haha.
For those who are not ashamed wearing these crap tees on public, I can be contacted at chsmdn(at)gmail(dot)com for further details. I got friends can do t-shirt printing... DIY and cheap.. Hahaha.